
Celebs to follow on Instagram

I am totally addicted to Instagram, and have to check my account many times a day. Here is a list of interesting celebs and people to follow. If you have more suggestions, feel free to leave a comment! A quick Google-search will also give you lists of people.

Eg er totalt avhengig av Instagram, og må innom fleire gonger dagleg. Derfor har eg laga ei liste med random kjendisar som er aktuelle å følgja. Har du fleire forslag, kom gjerne med dei! :D

International celebs
(Internasjonale kjendisar)
Usain Bolt - @usainbolt
Victoria Beckham - @victoriabeckham
Karl Pilkington - @karlpilkington
Sophie Ellis Baxtor - @sophieellisbaxtor
Britney Spears - @britneyspears
Lauren Conrad @laurenconrad
Oprah Winfrey - @oprah
Taylor Swift - @taylorswift
Rihanna - @badgalriri
Chris Brown - @fuckyopictures
Kim Kardashian @kimkardashian
Justin Bieber - @justinbieber
Beyonce - @baddiebey
Jay Z - @shawn_carter
Alicia Keys - @aliciakeys
Kelly Osbourne - @kellyosbourne
Snoop Dogg - @snoopdogg
Jessica Alba - @jessicaalba

Norwegian celebs
(Norske kjendisar)
Petter Northug Jr - @ptrthugjr
Truls Svendsen - @trulssv
Linni Meister - @meisterlinni
Marit Bjørgen - @mabjoerg
Lene Alexandra - @lenealexandra
John Carew - @john_carew
Jens Stoltenberg - @jensstoltenberg
Atle Pettersen - @atlepettersen
Anne Rimmen - @annerimmen
Ailo Gaup - @ailogaup
Andreas Thorkildsen - @athorkildsen
Lars Vaular - @larsvaularnmg
Charlotte Thorstvedt - @cthorstvedt
Synnøve Skarbø - @synnoveskarbo
Pia Tjelta - @piatjelta
Jan Thomas Mørch Husby - @jtjanthomas
Vegard Ylvisåker - @vegardino
Erik Solbakken - @eriksolbakken
Per Sundnes - @persundnes
Jenny Skavlan - @jennyskavlan
Hasse Hope - @hassehope
Dansken - @selvestedansken
Fingern - @fingern
Live Nelvik - @livenelvik
Steinar Sagen - @steinarsagen
Tore Sagen - @toresagen
Asbjørn Slettemark - @asbjorn1975

(Bloggarar/ mote)
Signy Fardal - @signyfardal
Vanessa Rudjord  - @vanessarudjord
Anna Dello Russo - @anna_dello_russo
Rachel Zoe - @rachelzoe
Ulrikke Lund - @ulrikkelundl
Camilla Pihl - @camillapihlno
Ida Wulff - @idawu
Alexandra Nilsson - @kissies
Cathrine Heienberg - @cathinthecity
Anette Haga - @nettenestea
Janka Polliani - @polliani
Caroline Berg Eriksen - @fotballfrue
Celine I. Aagaard - @hippiehippiemilkshake
Silje Pedersen - @motesilje


DIY Gold makeover

Remember my blogpost about me wanting more gold in my interior? Well, I found a very simple way to do exactly that: with spraypaint! :D I found this gold spraypaint with high gloss finish, and sprayed down both vases and candleholders. I love the result!
What do you think?

Hugsar du blogginnlegget mitt om at eg ønskte meir gull i interiøret? Med spraymaling i gull fekk vasar og lysestakar ein makeover. Eg diggar looken! Kva synest du?


Give me GOLD!

Right now I have a thing for gold interior details! I feel everyone (including myself) have had silver stuf for a long time now, and I'm tired of it. I have found sooo many gorgeous things online that goes right on my wishlist.
Do you like gold details too?

Akkurat no har eg så lyst på gulldetaljar i interiøret mitt! Eg føler at alle (inkludert meg sjølv) har hatt sølvting lenge no, og eg er så lei det. Eg har funne sååå mange nydelege ting på nett som eg har lyst på, berre sjå desse inspirasonsbilda! Likar du og gull?


Healthy snacks

Even if its not one of my resolutions, I always want to get healthier in the new year. A bad habit I have is that I snack often, and therefore I should choose healthy options. Here I have gathered a few favourites:

Dried apples
Cut apples in thin slices and bake in the oven on 50 degrees celcius for 5-6 hours. The "chips" should be a leathery consistency when they are done.

Veggies and dip
Carrots, cucumber, radish, celery, cauliflower, tomates and sugar peas are great and healthy snacks that are all under 50 calories. Try serving with these healthy dips.

Tortilla chips with hummus dip

Greek yoghurt with berries

(1 cup= ca 31 calories)

Rice cakes
In Norway we have some called "Småfolk", which are small rice cakes with apple and cinnamon flavour. Those are great if you have kids, but I love them too! ;)

I hope you got some tempting ideas!


My New Year's Resolutions

I have an ambivalent relationship to New Year's resolutions, but I just can't manage to NOT make some at the start of a new year ;) This year, I have tried to be realistic and I have chosen some that I both want and can get done.

1. Learn how to sew
I got a sewing machine from my mom this christmas, and she has promised to give me a course. I would love to design and make my own dress, I have so many ideas in my head! :D Project Runway is one of my favourite tv shows, and I think I'll buy Jenny Skavlan's redesign-book "Sy om".

2. Travel to USA
This summer me, my boyfriend and my brother are planning a three week trip to the U.S. together with another friend couple. We have talked about it for so long, and this year it is finally happening! We definitely want to go to New York, San Fransisco and Las Vegas, but the route isn't settled yet. But I'm sure we'll have a fantastic adventure no matter what :D

Carrie Bradshaw...I want to walk in her New York footsteps! :D

3. Take more care of myself
This year I want to get better at fixing my hear and makeup every day. Until now I haven't really bothered making an effort in the morning, I put on mascara and put my hair in a ponytail and that's it. But now I find so much inspiration online, like this blog, and I can tell that just a little extra goes a long way! I also want to eat healthy and exercise more, but that is boring and old, so I won't write more about it ;)

What are your resolutions for 2013?

Follow me with Bloglovin

I think Bloglovin is a genious thing. This page lets you organize your favourite blogs in one place, so that you can "subsribe" to new blogposts instead of having to visit each blog. My favourite blogs that I follow are Cathinthecity.com, Polliani.com and CamillaPihl.no.

That would really make me happy! :D


Happy new year!

I just love New Year's Eve. The time to celebrate the year that has been, and to welcome a new one with hope that it will be the greatest ever. Our tradition is to celebrate with friends and family. We first eat a delicious turkey dinner, before we go to a party and drink, dance and watch the fireworks together.

My party dress with black and silver sequins.

My party make-up, gold tones.

I'm starting 2013 with a new blog, and I'm very excited!

Happy New Year to you lovlies <3